For Complaints and Problems
★ CVHMMS Builder Manager, Administrator or Chairperson located at U3, 137 Prince Street Grafton NSW 2460 Phone 02 6643 1831.
★ Aged Care Complaints Phone 1800 550 552.
★ Ageing, Disability & Home Care PO Box 648 Grafton NSW 2460 Phone 6641 6960.
★ NSW Ombudsman Community Services Division Level 24, 580 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 1800 451 524.
Useful Weblinks
- Ageing Disability and Home Care
- Disability and Aged Information Service
- National Disability Service
- Commonwealth Department of Social Services
- Carers Australia
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Seniors Information (State)
- Home Modifications Australia
- Information on Aged Care Services
Special Needs Groups
- Disability and Aged Information Service Phone 1800 800 340
- My Aged Care Phone 1800 200 422
- Aged Care Rights Service Phone 1800 424 079
- Disability Complaints Service Phone 1800 422 0015
- Translating and Interpreting Service Phone 131 450
- Community Relations Commission of NSW Phone 1300 651 500
- Multicultural Disability Advocacy Phone 1800 629 072
- Intellectual Disability Rights Service Phone 1800 666 611
Other Important Contact Numbers
- Emergency Respite Care Phone 1800 059 059
- Veterans Affairs Network Phone 02 6622 4481
- provides information, advice and referrals
- Isolated Patience Travel Assistant Scheme Phone 02 6620 2168
- provides financial assistance to those who have to travel more than 100km to access health services and specialist treatment
- Commonwealth Carelink Phone 1800 052 222
- provides information and referral to a range of services in your community
- Carers NSW Phone 1800 242 636
- provides information and resources to carers
Clients rights and responsibilities
Clients have the rights;
- to respect of individual human worth, dignity and privacy
- to be assessed for access to service without discrimination
- to choose from available alternatives
- to pursue any complaint without retribution
- to involve an advocate of their choice
Clients have the responsibility
- to behave in a respectful way to the rights of other clients and CVHMMS staff
- to take responsibility for the results of any decisions that they make
- to play their part in helping CVHMMS staff to provide them with a service
Helpful documents to download
- CVHMMS_Service User Handbook_2017
- Charter Home Care
- Home Care Common Standards
- National Standards for Disability Services